Corigan Territory Manager and International Football Coach

Usually when you start a new job it wouldn’t be the best idea to take three and a half days off in only your third week for an overseas trip. However, I was supported to do just that by the

Managing Complex SEO Workflows with Corigan

What is the OHESTO workflow and why is it so successful? OHESTO stands for:  ObjectivesHypothesesExperimentsSuggestionsTasksOutcomes  You can manage this SEO workflow with Corigan to ensure that you’re optimising your processes. So let’s take a brief look at each stage of

Better Data with Corigan

How do you improve your company’s data? Data is scattered across teams, projects, software and systems. It can be difficult to find, report and manage data, especially in a large organisation.   What you want is consistency.  However, different outputs use

Using Your Competitors’ SEO to Your Advantage

How can you gain a competitive edge with SEO?  It can be difficult to know exactly where you are losing out to your competitors. When you work in isolation you can be able to ascertain where and how you should

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